Men and women belong to different species and communications between them is still in its infancy.
- Bill Cosby
I stumbled upon this YouTube channel called "Guy Moments". Even though it is aimed towards men and the annoying things women do, I was laughing the whole time. This video in particular, "Just Come Over" was super relateable and really shows the difference between men and women.
A couple things to learn from this video:
- Women over analyze everything. Men over simplify everything.
- Women are stubborn. Men don't realize that they're just as stubborn as we are.
- Women just want men to say what they want to hear. Even if men don't really mean it, it's still comforting.
This video is hilarious and I can definitely see where the guy is coming from. ALTHOUGH in her defense if a guy said "I ain't trippin" I would have reacted in the same way. A simple "yeah come through" or a "nah I'm good" would have sufficed.
Also, the word "female" is oddly degrading. Just say "bitch" if that's what you really mean.
Regardless, this is relateable for both men and women. Let's just face it, we're both always going to think that we're right. Women will always be stubborn and men will never quite understand how to deal with it.